ARoFace: Alignment Robustness to Improve Low-quality Face Recognition
Mohammad Saeed Ebrahimi Saadabadi · Sahar Rahimi Malakshan · Ali Dabouei · Nasser Nasrabadi
# 259
Strong Double Blind |
Aiming to enhance Face Recognition (FR) performance on Low-Quality (LQ) inputs, recent studies suggest incorporating synthetic LQ samples into training. Although promising, the quality factors that are considered in these works are general rather than FR-specific, \eg, atmospheric turbulence, blur, resolution, \etc. Motivated by our observation of the vulnerability of current FR models to even mild Face Alignment Errors (FAE) in LQ images, we present a simple yet effective method that considers FAE as another quality factor that is tailored to FR. We seek to improve LQ FR by enhancing FR models' robustness to FAE. To this aim, we formalize the problem as a combination of differentiable spatial transformations and adversarial data augmentation in FR. We perturb the alignment of training samples using a controllable spatial transformation and enrich the training with samples expressing FAE. We demonstrate the benefits of the proposed method by conducting evaluations on IJB-B, IJB-C, IJB-S (+4.3\% Rank1), and TinyFace (+2.63\%).