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Emerging Property of Masked Token for Effective Pre-training

Hyesong Choi · Hunsang Lee · Seyoung Joung · Hyejin Park · Jiyeong Kim · Dongbo Min

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Wed 2 Oct 1:30 a.m. PDT — 3:30 a.m. PDT


Driven by the success of Masked Language Modeling (MLM), the realm of self-supervised learning for computer vision has been invigorated by the central role of Masked Image Modeling (MIM) in driving recent breakthroughs. Notwithstanding the achievements of MIM across various downstream tasks, its overall efficiency is occasionally hampered by the lengthy duration of the pre-training phase. This paper presents a perspective that the optimization of masked tokens as a means of addressing the prevailing issue. Initially, we delve into an exploration of the inherent properties that a masked token ought to possess. Within the properties, we principally dedicated to articulating and emphasizing the `data singularity' attribute inherent in masked tokens. Through a comprehensive analysis of the heterogeneity between masked tokens and visible tokens within pre-trained models, we propose a novel approach termed \textbf{masked token optimization (MTO)}, specifically designed to improve model efficiency through weight recalibration and the enhancement of the key property of masked tokens. The proposed method serves as an adaptable solution that seamlessly integrates into any MIM approach that leverages masked tokens. As a result, MTO achieves a considerable improvement in pre-training efficiency, resulting in an approximately 50% reduction in pre-training epochs required to attain converged performance of the recent approaches.

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