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Adapting to Shifting Correlations with Unlabeled Data Calibration

Minh Nguyen · Alan Q Wang · Heejong Kim · Mert Sabuncu

# 11
Strong blind review: This paper was not made available on public preprint services during the review process Strong Double Blind
[ ] [ Paper PDF ]
Wed 2 Oct 1:30 a.m. PDT — 3:30 a.m. PDT


Distribution shifts between sites can seriously degrade model performance since models are prone to exploiting spurious correlations. Thus, many methods try to find features that are stable across sites and discard “spurious” or unstable features. However, unstable features might have complementary information that, if used appropriately, could increase accuracy. More recent methods try to adapt to unstable features at the new sites to achieve higher accuracy. However, they either make unrealistic assumptions or fail to scale to multiple confounding features. We propose Generalized Prevalence Adjustment (GPA for short), an flexible method that adjusts model prediction to the shifting correlations between prediction target and confounders to safely exploit unstable features. GPA can infer the interaction between target and confounders in new sites using unlabeled samples from those sites. We evaluate GPA on several real and synthetic datasets, and show that it outperforms competitive baselines.

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