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3R-INN: How to be climate friendly while consuming/delivering videos?

ZOUBIDA AMEUR · Claire-Helene Demarty · Olivier LE MEUR · Daniel Menard

# 311
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Wed 2 Oct 7:30 a.m. PDT — 9:30 a.m. PDT


The consumption of a video requires a considerable amount of energy during the various stages of its life-cycle. With a billion hours of video consumed daily, this contributes significantly to the greenhouse gas emission. Therefore, reducing the end-to-end carbon footprint of the video chain, while preserving the quality of experience at the user side, is of high importance. To contribute in an impactful manner, we propose 3R-INN, a single light invertible network that does three tasks at once: given a high-resolution grainy image, it Rescales it to a lower resolution, Removes film grain and Reduces its power consumption when displayed. Providing such a minimum viable quality content contributes to reducing the energy consumption during encoding, transmission, decoding and display. 3R-INN also offers the possibility to restore either the high-resolution grainy original image or a grain-free version, thanks to its invertibility and the disentanglement of the high frequency, and without transmitting auxiliary data. Experiments show that, while enabling significant energy savings for encoding (78%), decoding (77%) and rendering (5% to 20%), 3R-INN outperforms state-of-the-art film grain synthesis and energy-aware methods and achieves state-of-the-art performance on the rescaling task on different test-sets.

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