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Generating 3D House Wireframes with Semantics

Xueqi Ma · Yilin Liu · Wenjun Zhou · Ruowei Wang · Hui Huang

# 288
Strong blind review: This paper was not made available on public preprint services during the review process Strong Double Blind
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Wed 2 Oct 7:30 a.m. PDT — 9:30 a.m. PDT


We present a new approach for generating 3D house wireframes with semantic enrichment using an autoregressive model. Unlike conventional generative models that independently process vertices, edges, and faces, our approach employs a unified wire-based representation for improved coherence in learning 3D wireframe structures. By re-ordering wire sequences based on semantic meanings, we facilitate seamless semantic integration during sequence generation. Our two-phase technique merges a graph-based autoencoder with a transformer-based decoder to learn latent geometric tokens and generate semantic-aware wireframes. Through iterative prediction and decoding during inference, our model produces detailed wireframes that can be easily segmented into distinct components, such as walls, roofs, and rooms, reflecting the semantic essence of the shape. Empirical results on a comprehensive house dataset validate the superior accuracy, novelty, and semantic fidelity of our model compared to existing generative models.

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