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RangeLDM: Fast Realistic LiDAR Point Cloud Generation

Qianjiang Hu · Zhimin Zhang · Wei Hu

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Wed 2 Oct 7:30 a.m. PDT — 9:30 a.m. PDT


Autonomous driving demands high-quality LiDAR data, yet the cost of physical LiDAR sensors presents a significant scaling-up challenge. While recent efforts have explored deep generative models to address this issue, they often consume substantial computational resources with slow generation speeds while suffering from a lack of realism. To address these limitations, we introduce RangeLDM, a novel approach for rapidly generating high-quality range-view LiDAR point clouds via latent diffusion models. We achieve this by correcting range-view data distribution for accurate projection from point clouds to range images via Hough voting, which has a critical impact on generative learning. We then compress the range images into a latent space with a variational autoencoder, and leverage a diffusion model to enhance expressivity. Additionally, we instruct the model to preserve 3D structural fidelity by devising a range-guided discriminator. Experimental results on KITTI-360 and nuScenes datasets demonstrate both the robust expressiveness and fast speed of our LiDAR point cloud generation.

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