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Resolving Scale Ambiguity in Multi-view 3D Reconstruction using Dual-Pixel Sensors

Kohei Ashida · Hiroaki Santo · Fumio Okura · Yasuyuki Matsushita

# 343
Strong blind review: This paper was not made available on public preprint services during the review process Strong Double Blind
[ ] [ Paper PDF ]
Wed 2 Oct 7:30 a.m. PDT — 9:30 a.m. PDT


Multi-view 3D reconstruction, namely structure-from-motion and multi-view stereo, is an essential component in 3D computer vision. In general, multi-view 3D reconstruction suffers from unknown scale ambiguity unless a reference object of known size is recorded together with the scene, or the camera poses are pre-calibrated. In this paper, we show that multi-view images recorded by a dual-pixel (DP) sensor allow us to automatically resolve the scale ambiguity without requiring a reference object or pre-calibration. Specifically, the observed defocus blurs in DP images provide sufficient information for determining the scale when paired together with the depth maps (up to scale) recovered from the multi-view 3D reconstruction. Based on this observation, we develop a simple yet effective linear solution method to determine the absolute scale in multi-view 3D reconstruction. Experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method with diverse scenes recorded with different cameras/lenses. Our code and data will be released upon acceptance.

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