A Unified Anomaly Synthesis Strategy with Gradient Ascent for Industrial Anomaly Detection and Localization
Qiyu Chen · Huiyuan Luo · Chengkan Lv · Zhengtao Zhang
# 280
Strong Double Blind |
Anomaly synthesis strategies can effectively enhance unsupervised anomaly detection. However, existing strategies have limitations in the coverage and controllability of anomaly synthesis, particularly for weak defects that are very similar to normal regions. In this paper, we propose Global and Local Anomaly co-Synthesis Strategy (GLASS), a novel unified framework designed to synthesize a broader coverage of anomalies under the manifold and hypersphere distribution constraints of Global Anomaly Synthesis (GAS) at the feature level and Local Anomaly Synthesis (LAS) at the image level. Our method synthesizes near-in-distribution anomalies in a controllable way using Gaussian noise guided by gradient ascent and truncated projection. GLASS achieves state-of-the-art results on the MVTec AD (detection AUROC of 99.9%), VisA, and MPDD datasets and excels in weak defect detection. The effectiveness and efficiency have been further validated in industrial applications for woven fabric defect detection. The code and dataset will be released in the future.