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On Learning Discriminative Features from Synthesized Data for Self-Supervised Fine-Grained Visual Recognition

Zihu Wang · Lingqiao Liu · Scott Ricardo Figueroa Weston · Samuel Tian · Peng Li

# 301
Strong blind review: This paper was not made available on public preprint services during the review process Strong Double Blind
[ ] [ Paper PDF ]
Wed 2 Oct 7:30 a.m. PDT — 9:30 a.m. PDT


Self-Supervised Learning (SSL) has become a prominent approach for acquiring visual representations across various tasks, yet its application in fine-grained visual recognition (FGVR) is challenged by the intricate task of distinguishing subtle differences between categories. To overcome this, we introduce an novel strategy that boosts SSL's ability to extract critical discriminative features vital for FGVR. This approach creates synthesized data pairs to guide the model to focus on discriminative features critical for FGVR during SSL. We start by identifying non-discriminative features using two main criteria: features with low variance that fail to effectively separate data and those deemed less important by Grad-CAM induced from the SSL loss. We then introduce perturbations to these non-discriminative features while preserving discriminative ones. A decoder is employed to reconstruct images from both perturbed and original feature vectors to create data pairs. An encoder is trained on such generated data pairs to become invariant to variations in non-discriminative dimensions while focusing on discriminative features, thereby improving the model's performance in FGVR tasks. We demonstrate the promising FGVR performance of the proposed approach through extensive evaluation on a wide variety of datasets.

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