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HeadStudio: Text to Animatable Head Avatars with 3D Gaussian Splatting

Zhenglin Zhou · Fan Ma · Hehe Fan · Zongxin Yang · Yi Yang

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Tue 1 Oct 1:30 a.m. PDT — 3:30 a.m. PDT

Abstract: Creating digital avatars from textual prompts has long been a desirable yet challenging task. Despite the promising results achieved with 2D diffusion priors, current methods struggle to create high-quality and consistent animated avatars efficiently. Previous animatable head models like FLAME have difficulty in accurately representing detailed texture and geometry. Additionally, high-quality 3D static representations face challenges in dynamic driving with dynamic priors. In this paper, we introduce \textbf{HeadStudio}, a novel framework that utilizes 3D Gaussian splatting to generate realistic and animatable avatars from text prompts. Firstly, we associate 3D Gaussians with FLAME mesh priors, facilitating semantic animation on high-quality 3D static representations. To ensure the consistent animation, we further introduce the fine-grained landmark-based conditions, which are obtained from head prior model for regularizing consistency in animation-based training. Extensive experiments demonstrate the efficacy of HeadStudio in generating animatable avatars from textual prompts, exhibiting appealing appearances. The avatars are capable of rendering high-quality real-time ($\geq 40$ fps) novel views at a resolution of 1024. Moreover, These avatars can be smoothly driven by real-world speech and video. We hope that HeadStudio can enhance digital avatar creation and gain popularity in the community.

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