Portrait4D-v2: Pseudo Multi-View Data Creates Better 4D Head Synthesizer
Yu Deng · Duomin Wang · Baoyuan Wang
# 339
In this paper, we propose a novel learning approach for feed-forward one-shot 4D head avatar synthesis. Different from existing methods that often learn from reconstructing monocular videos guided by 3DMM, we employ pseudo multi-view videos to learn a 4D head synthesizer in a data-driven manner, avoiding reliance on inaccurate 3DMM reconstruction that could be detrimental to the synthesis performance. The key idea is to first learn a 3D head synthesizer using synthetic multi-view images to convert monocular real videos into multi-view ones, and then utilize the pseudo multi-view videos to learn a 4D head synthesizer via cross-view self-reenactment. By leveraging a simple vision transformer backbone with motion-aware cross-attentions, our method exhibits superior performance compared to previous methods in terms of reconstruction fidelity, geometry consistency, and motion control accuracy. We hope our method offers novel insights into integrating 3D priors with 2D supervisions for improved 4D head avatar creation.