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Rawformer: Unpaired Raw-to-Raw Translation for Learnable Camera ISPs

Georgy Perevozchikov · Nancy Mehta · Mahmoud Afifi · Radu Timofte

# 273
[ ] [ Paper PDF ]
Thu 3 Oct 1:30 a.m. PDT — 3:30 a.m. PDT


Modern smartphone camera quality heavily relies on the image signal processor (ISP) to enhance captured raw images, utilizing carefully designed modules to produce final output images encoded in a standard color space (e.g., sRGB). Neural-based end-to-end learnable ISPs offer promising advancements, potentially replacing traditional ISPs with their ability to adapt without requiring extensive tuning for each new camera model, as is often the case for nearly every module in traditional ISPs. However, the key challenge with the recent learning-based ISPs is the urge to collect large paired datasets for each distinct camera model due to the influence of intrinsic camera characteristics on the formation of input raw images. This paper tackles this challenge by introducing a novel method for unpaired learning of raw-to-raw translation across diverse cameras. Specifically, we propose Rawformer, an unsupervised Transformer-based encoder-decoder method for raw-to-raw translation. It accurately maps raw images captured by a certain camera to the target camera, facilitating the generalization of learnable ISPs to new unseen cameras. Our method demonstrates superior performance on real camera datasets, achieving higher accuracy compared to previous state-of-the-art techniques, and preserving a more robust correlation between the original and translated raw images. Code and models will be publicly available upon acceptance.

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