SimPB: A Single Model for 2D and 3D Object Detection from Multiple Cameras
Yingqi Tang · Zhaotie Meng · Guoliang Chen · Erkang Cheng
# 236
The field of autonomous driving has attracted considerable interest in approaches that directly infer 3D objects in the Bird's Eye View (BEV) from multiple cameras. Some attempts have also explored utilizing 2D detectors from single images to enhance the performance of 3D detection. However, these approaches rely on a two-stage process with separate detectors, where the 2D detection results are utilized only once for token selection or query initialization. In this paper, we present a single model termed SimPB, which Simultaneously detects 2D objects in the Perspective view and 3D objects in the BEV space from multiple cameras. To achieve this, we introduce a hybrid decoder consisting of several multi-view 2D decoder layers and several 3D decoder layers, specifically designed for their respective detection tasks. A Dynamic Query Allocation module and an Adaptive Query Aggregation module are proposed to continuously update and refine the interaction between 2D and 3D results, in a cyclic 3D-2D-3D manner. Additionally, Query-group Attention is utilized to strengthen the interaction among 2D queries within each camera group. In the experiments, we evaluate our method on the nuScenes dataset and demonstrate promising results for both 2D and 3D detection tasks. We will make the code publicly available.