Empowering Embodied Visual Tracking with Visual Foundation Models and Offline RL
Fangwei Zhong · Kui Wu · Hai Ci · Chu-ran Wang · Hao Chen
# 206
Embodied visual tracking is to follow a target object in dynamic 3D environments using an agent’s egocentric vision. This is a vital and challenging skill for embodied vision agents. However, existing methods suffer from inefficient training and poor generalization. In this paper, we propose a novel framework that combines visual foundation models (VFM) and offline reinforcement learning (offline RL) to empower embodied visual tracking. We use a pre-trained VFM, such as ``Tracking Anything”, to extract semantic segmentation masks with text prompts. We then train a recurrent policy network with offline RL, e.g., Conservative Q-Learning, to learn from the collected demonstrations without online agent-environment interactions. To improve the training efficiency, robustness, and generalization of the policy network, we also introduce a mask re-targeting mechanism and a multi-level data collection strategy. In this way, we can train the tracker within an hour on a consumer-level GPU, e.g., Nvidia RTX 3090. Such efficiency is unprecedented for RL-based visual tracking methods. We evaluate our tracker on several high-fidelity environments with challenging situations, such as distraction and occlusion. The results show that our agent outperforms state-of-the-art methods in terms of sample efficiency, robustness to distractors, and generalization to unseen scenarios and targets.