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Griffon: Spelling out All Object Locations at Any Granularity with Large Language Models

Yufei Zhan · Yousong Zhu · Zhiyang Chen · Fan Yang · Ming Tang · Jinqiao Wang

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Thu 3 Oct 1:30 a.m. PDT — 3:30 a.m. PDT


Replicating the innate human ability to detect all objects based on free-form texts at any granularity remains a formidable challenge for Large Vision Language Models (LVLMs). Current LVLMs are predominantly constrained to locate a single, pre-existing object. This limitation leads to a compromise in model design, necessitating the introduction of visual expert models or the customized head structures. Beyond these constraints, our research uncovers LVLMs' capability for basic object perception, allowing them to accurately identify and locate objects of interest. Building on this insight, we introduce a novel Language-prompted Localization Dataset to fully unleash the capabilities of LVLMs in fine-grained object perception and precise location awareness. More importantly, we present Griffon, a purely LVLM-based baseline, which does not introduce any special tokens, expert models, or additional detection modules. It simply maintains a consistent structure with popular LVLMs by unifying data formats across various localization-related scenarios and is trained end-to-end through a well-designed pipeline. Comprehensive experiments demonstrate that Griffon not only achieves state-of-the-art performance on the fine-grained RefCOCO series and Flickrs30K Entities but also approaches the capabilities of the expert model Faster RCNN on the detection benchmark MSCOCO. Dataset, codes and models will be released.

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