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Preventing Catastrophic Forgetting through Memory Networks in Continuous Detection

Gaurav Bhatt · Leonid Sigal · James Ross

# 125
[ ] [ Paper PDF ]
Thu 3 Oct 1:30 a.m. PDT — 3:30 a.m. PDT


Modern pre-trained architectures struggle to retain previous information while undergoing continuous fine-tuning on new tasks. Despite notable progress in continual classification, systems designed for complex vision tasks such as detection or segmentation still struggle to attain satisfactory performance. In this work, we introduce a memory-based detection transformer architecture to adapt a pre-trained DETR-style detector to new tasks while preserving knowledge from previous tasks. We propose a novel localized query function for efficient information retrieval from memory units, aiming to minimize forgetting. Furthermore, we identify a fundamental challenge in continual detection referred to as {\em background relegation}. This arises when object categories from earlier tasks reappear in future tasks, potentially without labels, leading them to be implicitly treated as background. This is an inevitable issue in continual detection or segmentation. The introduced continual optimization technique effectively tackles this challenge. Finally, we assess the performance of our proposed system on continual detection benchmarks and demonstrate that our approach surpasses the performance of existing state-of-the-art resulting in 5-7\% improvements on MSCOCO and PASCAL-VOC on the task of continual detection.

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