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UniVoxel: Fast Inverse Rendering by Unified Voxelization of Scene Representation

Shuang Wu · Songlin Tang · Guangming Lu · Jianzhuang Liu · Wenjie Pei

Strong blind review: This paper was not made available on public preprint services during the review process Strong Double Blind
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Thu 3 Oct 7:30 a.m. PDT — 9:30 a.m. PDT


Typical inverse rendering methods focus on learning implicit neural scene representations by modeling the geometry, materials and illumination separately, which entails significant computations for optimization. In this work we design a Unified Voxelization framework for explicit learning of scene representations, dubbed UniVoxel, which allows for efficient modeling of the geometry, materials and illumination jointly, thereby accelerating the inverse rendering significantly. To be specific, we propose to encode a scene into a latent volumetric representation, based on which the geometry, materials and illumination can be readily learned via lightweight neural networks in a unified manner. Particularly, an essential design of UniVoxel is that we leverage local Spherical Gaussians to represent the incident light radiance, which enables the seamless integration of modeling illumination into the unified voxelization framework. Such novel design enables our UniVoxel to model the joint effects of direct lighting, indirect lighting and light visibility efficiently without expensive multi-bounce ray tracing. Extensive experiments on multiple benchmarks covering diverse scenes demonstrate that UniVoxel boosts the optimization efficiency significantly compared to other methods, reducing the per-scene training time from hours to 18 minutes, while achieving favorable reconstruction quality. Code will be released.

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