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ReMoS: 3D Motion-Conditioned Reaction Synthesis for Two-Person Interactions

Anindita Ghosh · Rishabh Dabral · Vladislav Golyanik · Christian Theobalt · Philipp Slusallek

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Thu 3 Oct 7:30 a.m. PDT — 9:30 a.m. PDT


Current approaches for 3D human motion synthesis generate high-quality animations of digital humans performing a wide variety of actions and gestures. However, a notable technological gap exists in addressing the complex dynamics of multi-human interactions within this paradigm. In this work, we present ReMoS, a denoising diffusion-based model that synthesizes full-body reactive motion of a person in a two-person interaction scenario. Assuming the motion of one person is given, we employ a combined spatio-temporal cross-attention mechanism to synthesize the reactive body and hand motion of the second person, thereby completing the interactions between the two. We demonstrate ReMoS across challenging two-person scenarios such as pair-dancing, Ninjutsu, kickboxing, and acrobatics, where one person’s movements have complex and diverse influences on the other. We also contribute the ReMoCap dataset for two-person interactions, containing full-body and finger motions. We evaluate ReMoS through multiple quantitative metrics, qualitative visualizations, and a user study, and also indicate usability in interactive motion editing applications. We will publicly release the code and the dataset with this paper to enable future research.

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