Few-Shot Image Generation by Conditional Relaxing Diffusion Inversion
Yu Cao · Shaogang Gong
# 273
Strong Double Blind |
In the field of few-shot image generation (FSIG) using deep generative models (DGMs), accurately estimating the distribution of target domain with minimal samples poses a significant challenge. This requires a method that can both capture the broad diversity and the true characteristics of the target domain distribution. We present Conditional Relaxing Diffusion Inversion (CRDI), an innovative 'training-free' approach designed to enhance distribution diversity in synthetic image generation. Distinct from conventional methods, CRDI does not rely on fine-tuning based on only a few samples. Instead, it focuses on reconstructing each target image instance and expanding diversity through few-shot learning. The approach initiates by identifying a Sample-wise Guidance Embedding (SGE) for the diffusion model, which serves a purpose analogous to the explicit latent codes in certain generative adversarial network (GAN) models. Subsequently, the method involves a scheduler that progressively introduces perturbations to the SGE, thereby augmenting diversity. Comprehensive experimental analysis demonstrates that our method surpasses GAN-based reconstruction techniques and equals state-of-the-art (SOTA) FSIG methods in performance. Additionally, it effectively mitigates overfitting and catastrophic forgetting, common drawbacks of fine-tuning approaches.