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Mini-Splatting: Representing Scenes with a Constrained Number of Gaussians

Guangchi Fang · Bing Wang

# 244
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Fri 4 Oct 1:30 a.m. PDT — 3:30 a.m. PDT


In this study, we explore the challenge of efficiently representing scenes with a constrained number of Gaussians. Our analysis shifts from traditional graphics and 2D computer vision to the perspective of point clouds, highlighting the inefficient spatial distribution of Gaussian representation as a key limitation in model performance. To address this, we introduce strategies for densification including blur split and depth reinitialization, and simplification through Gaussian binarization and sampling. These techniques reorganize the spatial positions of the Gaussians, resulting in significant improvements across various datasets and benchmarks in terms of rendering quality, resource consumption, and storage compression. Our proposed Mini-Splatting method integrates seamlessly with the original rasterization pipeline, providing a strong baseline for future research in Gaussian-Splatting-based works.

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