DyFADet: Dynamic Feature Aggregation for Temporal Action Detection
Le Yang · Ziwei Zheng · Yizeng Han · Hao Cheng · Shiji Song · Gao Huang · Fan Li
# 272
Strong Double Blind |
Recent neural network-based Temporal Action Detection (TAD) models are inherently limited to extracting the discriminative representations and modeling action instances with various lengths from complex scenes by shared-weights detection heads. Inspired by the recent successes in dynamic neural networks, in this paper, we build a novel dynamic feature aggregation (DFA) module that can simultaneously adapt kernel weights and receptive fields at different timestamps. Based on DFA, the proposed dynamic encoder layer can aggregate the temporal features within the action timestamps and guarantee the discriminability of the extracted representations. Moreover, using DFA helps to develop a Dynamic TAD head (DyHead), which adaptively aggregates the multi-scale features with adjusted parameters and learned receptive fields to better detect the action instances with diverse ranges from the complex scenes. With the proposed encoder layers and DyHead, the new dynamic TAD model, DyFADet, achieves promising performance on a series of challenging TAD benchmarks, including HACS-Segment, THUMOS14, ActivityNet-1.3, Epic-Kitchen~100, Ego4D-Moment QueriesV1.0, and FineAction. The code is released to \url{https://Anonymous}.