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Towards Multi-modal Transformers in Federated Learning

Guangyu Sun · Matias Mendieta · Aritra Dutta · Xin Li · Chen Chen

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Fri 4 Oct 1:30 a.m. PDT — 3:30 a.m. PDT


Multi-modal transformers mark significant progress in different domains, but siloed high-quality data hinders their further improvement. To remedy this, federated learning (FL) has emerged as a promising privacy-preserving paradigm for training models without direct access to the raw data held by different clients. Despite its potential, a considerable research direction regarding the unpaired uni-modal clients and the transformer architecture in FL remains unexplored. To fill this gap, this paper explores a transfer multi-modal federated learning (MFL) scenario within the vision-language domain, where clients possess data of various modalities distributed across different datasets. We systematically evaluate the performance of existing methods when a transformer architecture is utilized and introduce a novel framework called Federated modality complementary and collaboration (FedCola) by addressing the in-modality and cross-modality gaps among clients. Through extensive experiments across various FL settings, FedCola demonstrates superior performance over previous approaches, offering new perspectives on future federated training of multi-modal transformers.

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