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MTaDCS: Moving Trace and Feature Density-based Confidence Sample Selection under Label Noise

Qingzheng Huang · Xilin He · Xiaole Xian · Qinliang Lin · Weicheng Xie · Siyang Song · Linlin Shen · Zitong Yu

Strong blind review: This paper was not made available on public preprint services during the review process Strong Double Blind
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Tue 1 Oct 1:30 a.m. PDT — 3:30 a.m. PDT


Learning from noisy data is a challenging task, as noisy labels can compromise decision boundaries and result in suboptimal generalization performance. Most previous approaches for dealing noisy data are based on sample selection, which utilized the small loss criterion to reduce the adverse effects of noisy labels. Nevertheless, they encounter a critical limitation in being unable to effectively separate challenging samples from those that were merely mislabeled. To this end, we propose a novel moving trace and feature density-based confidence sample selection strategy (called MTaDCS). Different from existing small loss-based approaches, the local feature density of samples in the latent space is explored to construct a confidence set by selectively choosing confident samples in a progressive manner in terms of moving trace. Therefore, our MTaDCS can gradually isolate noisy labels through the setting of confidence set and achieve the goal of learning discriminative features from hard samples. Extensive experiments conducted on datasets with simulated and real-world noises validate that the proposed MTaDCS outperforms the state-of-the-art methods in terms of various metrics. We will make our code publicly available.

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