Improving Text-guided Object Inpainting with Semantic Pre-inpainting
Yifu Chen · Jingwen Chen · Yingwei Pan · Yehao Li · Ting Yao · Zhineng Chen · Tao Mei
# 317
Strong Double Blind |
Recent years have witnessed the success of large text-to-image diffusion models and their remarkable potential to generate high-quality images. The further pursuit of enhancing the editability of images has sparked significant interest in the downstream task of inpainting a novel object described by a text prompt within a designated region in the image. Nevertheless, the problem is not trivial from two aspects: 1) Solely relying on one single U-Net to align text prompt and visual object across all the denoising timesteps is insufficient to generate desired objects; 2) The controllability of object generation is not guaranteed in the intricate sampling space of diffusion model. In this paper, we propose to decompose the typical single-stage object inpainting into two cascaded processes: 1) semantic pre-inpainting that infers the semantic features of desired objects in a multi-modal feature space; 2) high-fieldity object generation in diffusion latent space that pivots on such inpainted semantic features. To achieve this, we cascade a Transformer-based semantic inpainter and an object inpainting diffusion model, leading to a novel CAscaded Transformer-Diffusion (CAT-Diffusion) framework for text-guided object inpainting. Technically, the semantic inpainter is trained to predict the semantic features of the target object conditioning on unmasked context and text prompt. The outputs of the semantic inpainter then act as the informative visual prompts to guide high-fieldity object generation through a reference adapter layer, leading to controllable object inpainting. Extensive evaluations on OpenImages-V6 and MSCOCO validate the superiority of CAT-Diffusion against the state-of-the-art methods.