Zero-shot Object Counting with Good Exemplars
Huilin Zhu · Jingling Yuan · Zhengwei Yang · Yu Guo · Xian Zhong · Zheng Wang · Shengfeng He
# 65
Strong Double Blind |
Zero-shot object counting (ZOC) aims to enumerate objects in images using only the names of object classes during testing, without the need for manual annotations. However, a critical challenge in current ZOC methods lies in their inability to effectively identify high-quality exemplars. This deficiency hampers scalability across diverse classes and undermines the development of strong visual associations between the identified classes and image content. To this end, we propose the Visual Association-based Zero-shot Object Counting (VA-Count) framework. VA-Count consists of an Exemplar Enhancement Module (EEM) and a Noise Suppression Module (NSM) that synergistically refine the process of class exemplar identification while minimizing the consequences of incorrect object identification. The EEM utilizes advanced Vision-Language Pretaining models to discover potential exemplars, ensuring the framework's adaptability to various classes. Meanwhile, the NSM employs contrastive learning to differentiate between optimal and suboptimal exemplar pairs, reducing the negative effects of erroneous exemplars. The effectiveness and scalability of VA-Count in zero-shot contexts are demonstrated through its superior performance on three object counting datasets.