Training-Free Model Merging for Multi-target Domain Adaptation
Wenyi Li · Huan-ang Gao · Mingju Gao · Beiwen Tian · Rong Zhi · HAO ZHAO
# 50
Strong Double Blind |
In this paper, we study multi-target domain adaptation for enhancing the robustness of scene understanding models. While previous methods achieved commendable results through inter-domain consistency losses, they often assumed unrealistic simultaneous access to images from all target domains, overlooking constraints such as data transfer bandwidth limitations and data privacy concerns. Given these challenges, we pose the question: How to merge models adapted independently on distinct domains while bypassing the need for direct access to training data? Our solution to this problem involves two components, merging model parameters and merging model buffers (i.e., normalization layer statistics). For merging model parameters, empirical analyses of mode connectivity surprisingly reveal that linear merging suffices when employing the same pretrained backbone weights for adapting separate models. For merging model buffers, we model the real-world distribution with a Gaussian prior and estimate new statistics from the buffers of separately trained models. Our method is simple yet effective, achieving comparable performance with data combination training baselines, while eliminating the need for accessing training data. Our code and models will be made publicly available.