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COSMU: Complete 3D human shape from monocular unconstrained images

Marco Pesavento · Marco Volino · Adrian Hilton

# 308
Strong blind review: This paper was not made available on public preprint services during the review process Strong Double Blind
[ ] [ Paper PDF ]
Wed 2 Oct 1:30 a.m. PDT — 3:30 a.m. PDT


We present a novel framework to reconstruct complete 3D human shapes from a given target image by leveraging monocular unconstrained images. The objective of this work is to reproduce high-quality details in regions of the reconstructed human body that are not visible in the input target. The proposed methodology addresses the limitations of existing approaches for reconstructing 3D human shapes from a single image, which cannot reproduce shape details in occluded body regions. The missing information of the monocular input can be recovered by using multiple views captured from multiple cameras. However, multi-view reconstruction methods necessitate accurately calibrated and registered images, which can be challenging to obtain in real-world scenarios. Given a target RGB image and a collection of multiple uncalibrated and unregistered images of the same individual, acquired using a single camera, we propose a novel framework to generate complete 3D human shapes. We introduce a novel module to generate 2D multi-view normal maps of the person registered with the target input image. The module consists of body part-based reference selection and body part-based registration. The generated 2D normal maps are then processed by a multi-view attention-based neural implicit model that estimates an implicit representation of the 3D shape, ensuring the reproduction of details in both observed and occluded regions. Extensive experiments demonstrate that the proposed approach estimates higher quality details in the occluded regions of the 3D clothed human shapes from a set of unconstrained images compared to related methods, without the use of parametric models.

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