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ZigMa: A DiT-style Zigzag Mamba Diffusion Model

Vincent Tao Hu · Stefan Andreas Baumann · Ming Gui · Olga Grebenkova · Pingchuan Ma · Johannes S Fischer · Björn Ommer

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Wed 2 Oct 1:30 a.m. PDT — 3:30 a.m. PDT

Abstract: The diffusion model has long been plagued by scalability and quadratic complexity issues, especially within transformer-based structures. In this study, we aim to leverage the long sequence modeling capability of a State-Space Model called Mamba to extend its applicability to visual data generation. Firstly, we identify a critical oversight in most current Mamba-based vision methods, namely the lack of consideration for spatial continuity in the scan scheme of Mamba. Secondly, building upon this insight, we introduce a simple, plug-and-play, zero-parameter method named Zigzag Mamba, which outperforms Mamba-based baselines and demonstrates improved speed and memory utilization compared to transformer-based baselines. Lastly, we integrate Zigzag Mamba with the Stochastic Interpolant framework to investigate the scalability of the model on large-resolution visual datasets, such as FacesHQ $1024\times 1024$ and UCF101, MultiModal-CelebA-HQ, and MS COCO $256\times 256$. Code will be available at

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