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Oral Session

Oral 6B: Video Understanding


Moderators: Hazel Doughty · Lamberto Ballan

Thu 3 Oct 4:30 a.m. PDT — 6:30 a.m. PDT
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Thu 3 Oct. 4:30 - 4:40 PDT

E3M: Zero-Shot Spatio-Temporal Video Grounding with Expectation-Maximization Multimodal Modulation

Peijun Bao · Zihao Shao · Wenhan Yang · Boon Poh Ng · Alex Kot

Spatio-temporal video grounding aims to localize the spatio-temporal tube in a video according to the given language query. To eliminate the annotation costs, we make a first exploration to tackle spatio-temporal video grounding in a zero-shot manner. Our method dispenses with the need for any training videos or annotations; instead, it localizes the target object by leveraging large visual-language models and optimizing within the video and text query during the test time. To enable spatio-temporal comprehension, we introduce a multimodal modulation that integrates the spatio-temporal context into both visual and textual representation. On the visual side, we devise a context-based visual modulation that amplifies the visual representation by propagation and aggregation of the contextual semantics. Concurrently, on the textual front, we propose a prototype-based textual modulation to refine the textual representations using visual prototypes, effectively mitigating the cross-modal discrepancy. In addition, to overcome the interleaved spatio-temporal dilemma, we propose an expectation maximization (EM) framework to optimize the process of temporal relevance estimation and spatial region identification in an alternating way. Comprehensive experiments validate that our zero-shot approach achieves superior performance in comparison to several state-of-the-art methods with stronger supervision. We will make our code publicly accessible online.

Thu 3 Oct. 4:40 - 4:50 PDT

Animal Avatars: Reconstructing Animatable 3D Animals from Casual Videos

Remy Sabathier · David Novotny · Niloy Mitra

We present a method to build animatable dog avatars from monocular videos. This is challenging as animals display a range of (unpredictable) non-rigid movements and have a variety of appearance details (e.g., fur, spots, tails). We develop an approach that links the video frames via a 4D solution that jointly solves for animal's pose variation, and its appearance (in a canonical pose). To this end, we significantly improve the quality of template-based shape fitting by endowing the SMAL parametric model with Continuous Surface Embeddings (CSE), which brings image-to-mesh reprojection constaints that are denser, and thus stronger, than the previously used sparse semantic keypoint correspondences. To model appearance, we propose an implicit duplex-mesh texture that is defined in the canonical pose, but can be deformed using SMAL pose coefficients and later rendered to enforce a photometric compatibility with the input video frames. On the challenging CoP3D and APTv2 datasets, we demonstrate superior results (both in terms of pose estimates and predicted appearance) to existing template-free (RAC) and template-based approaches (BARC, BITE)

Thu 3 Oct. 4:50 - 5:00 PDT

Made to Order: Discovering monotonic temporal changes via self-supervised video ordering

Charig Yang · Weidi Xie · Andrew ZISSERMAN

Our objective is to discover and localize monotonic temporal changes in a sequence of images. To achieve this, we exploit a simple proxy task of ordering a shuffled image sequence, with `time' serving as a supervisory signal since only changes that are monotonic with time can give rise to the correct ordering. We also introduce a flexible transformer-based model for general-purpose ordering of image sequences of arbitrary length with built-in attribution maps. After training, the model successfully discovers and localizes monotonic changes while ignoring cyclic and stochastic ones. We demonstrate applications of the model in multiple video settings covering different scene and object types, discovering both object-level and environmental changes in unseen sequences. We also demonstrate that the attention-based attribution maps function as effective prompts for segmenting the changing regions, and that the learned representations can be used for downstream applications. Finally, we show that the model achieves the state of the art on standard benchmarks for ordering a set of images.

Thu 3 Oct. 5:00 - 5:10 PDT

MAGR: Manifold-Aligned Graph Regularization for Continual Action Quality Assessment

Kanglei Zhou · Liyuan Wang · Xingxing Zhang · Hubert P. H. Shum · Frederick W. B. Li · Jianguo Li · Xiaohui Liang

Action Quality Assessment (AQA) evaluates diverse skills but models struggle with non-stationary data. We propose Continual AQA (CAQA) to refine models using sparse new data. Feature replay preserves memory without storing raw inputs. However, the misalignment between static old features and the dynamically changing feature manifold causes severe catastrophic forgetting. To address this novel problem, we propose Manifold-Aligned Graph Regularization (MAGR), which first aligns deviated old features to the current feature manifold, ensuring representation consistency. It then constructs a graph jointly arranging old and new features aligned with quality scores. Experiments show MAGR outperforms recent strong baselines with up to 6.56%, 5.66%, 15.64%, and 9.05% correlation gains on the MTL-AQA, FineDiving, UNLV-Dive, and JDM-MSA split datasets, respectively. This validates MAGR for continual assessment challenges arising from non-stationary skill variations.

Thu 3 Oct. 5:10 - 5:20 PDT

C2C: Component-to-Composition Learning for Zero-Shot Compositional Action Recognition

Rongchang Li · Zhenhua Feng · Tianyang Xu · Linze Li · Xiao-Jun Wu · Muhammad Awais · Sara Atito · Josef Kittler

Compositional actions consist of dynamic (verbs) and static (objects) concepts. Humans can easily recognize unseen compositions using the learned concepts. For machines, solving such a problem requires a model to recognize unseen actions composed of previously observed verbs and objects, thus requiring, so-called, compositional generalization ability. To facilitate this research, we propose a novel Zero-Shot Compositional Action Recognition (ZS-CAR) task. For evaluating the task, we construct a new benchmark, Something-composition (Sth-com), based on the widely used Something-Something V2 dataset. We also propose a novel Component-to-Composition (C2C) learning method to solve the new ZS-CAR task. C2C includes an independent component learning module and a composition inference module. Last, we devise an enhanced training strategy to address the challenges of component variation between seen and unseen compositions and to handle the subtle balance between learning seen and unseen actions. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed framework significantly surpasses the existing compositional generalization methods and sets a new state-of-the-art. The new Sth-com benchmark and code are available at

Thu 3 Oct. 5:20 - 5:30 PDT

LongVLM: Efficient Long Video Understanding via Large Language Models

Yuetian Weng · Mingfei Han · Haoyu He · Xiaojun Chang · Bohan Zhuang

Empowered by Large Language Models (LLMs), recent advancements in VideoLLMs have driven progress in various video understanding tasks. These models encode video representations through pooling or query aggregation over a vast amount of visual tokens, making computational and memory costs affordable. Despite successfully providing an overall comprehension of video content, existing VideoLLMs still face challenges in achieving detailed understanding in videos due to overlooking local information in long-term videos. To tackle this challenge, we introduce LongVLM, a straightforward yet powerful VideoLLM for long video understanding, building upon the observation that long videos often consist of sequential key events, complex actions, and camera movements. Our approach proposes to decompose long videos into multiple short-term segments and encode local features for each local segment via a hierarchical token merging module. These features are concatenated in temporal order to maintain the storyline across sequential short-term segments. Additionally, we propose to integrate global semantics into each local feature to enhance context understanding. In this way, we encode video representations that incorporate both local and global information, enabling the LLM to generate comprehensive responses for long-term videos. Experimental results on the VideoChatGPT benchmark and zero-shot video question-answering datasets demonstrate the superior capabilities of our model over the previous state-of-the-art methods. Qualitative examples demonstrate that our model produces more precise responses for long videos understanding.

Thu 3 Oct. 5:30 - 5:40 PDT

Propose, Assess, Search: Harnessing LLMs for Goal-Oriented Planning in Instructional Videos

Mohaiminul Islam · Tushar Nagarajan · Huiyu Wang · FU-JEN CHU · Kris Kitani · Gedas Bertasius · Xitong Yang

Goal-oriented planning, or anticipating a series of actions that transition an agent from its current state to a predefined objective, is crucial for developing intelligent assistants aiding users in daily procedural tasks. The problem presents significant challenges due to the need for comprehensive knowledge of temporal and hierarchical task structures, as well as strong capabilities in reasoning and planning. To achieve this, prior work typically relies on extensive training on the target dataset, which often results in significant dataset bias and a lack of generalization to unseen tasks. In this work, we introduce VidAssist, an integrated framework designed for zero/few-shot goal-oriented planning in instructional videos. VidAssist leverages large language models (LLMs) as both the knowledge base and the assessment tool for generating and evaluating action plans, thus overcoming the challenges of acquiring procedural knowledge from small-scale, low-diversity datasets. Moreover, VidAssist employs a breadth-first search algorithm for optimal plan generation, in which a composite of value functions designed for goal-oriented planning are utilized to assess the predicted actions at each step. Extensive experiments demonstrate that VidAssist offers a unified framework for different goal-oriented planning setups, e.g., visual planning for assistance (VPA) and procedural planning (PP) and achieves remarkable performance in zero-shot and few-shot setups. Specifically, in the COIN dataset, the few-shot VidAssist outperforms the prior state-of-the-art fully-supervised method by +7.7% success rate in the VPA task and +4.81% success rate in the PP task for planning horizon 4.

Thu 3 Oct. 5:40 - 5:50 PDT

Towards Neuro-Symbolic Video Understanding

Minkyu Choi · Harsh Goel · Mohammad Omama · Yunhao Yang · Sahil Shah · Sandeep Chinchali

The unprecedented surge in video data production in recent years necessitates efficient tools for extracting meaningful frames from videos for downstream tasks. Long-term temporal reasoning is a key desideratum for frame retrieval systems. While state-of-the-art foundation models, like VideoLLaMA and ViCLIP, are proficient in short-term semantic understanding, they surprisingly fail at long-term reasoning across frames. A key reason for their failure is that they intertwine per-frame perception and temporal reasoning into a single deep network. Hence, decoupling but co-designing semantic understanding and temporal reasoning is essential for efficient scene identification. We propose a system that leverages vision-language models for semantic understanding of individual frames but effectively reasons about the long-term evolution of events using state machines and temporal logic (TL) formulae that inherently capture memory. Our TL-based reasoning improves the F1 score of complex event identification by 9-15% compared to benchmarks that use GPT4 for reasoning on state-of-the-art self-driving datasets such as Waymo and NuScenes.

Thu 3 Oct. 5:50 - 6:00 PDT

Classification Matters: Improving Video Action Detection with Class-Specific Attention

Jinsung Lee · Taeoh Kim · Inwoong Lee · Minho Shim · Dongyoon Wee · Minsu Cho · Suha Kwak

Video action detection (VAD) aims to detect actors and classify their actions in a video. We figure that VAD suffers more from classification rather than localization of actors. Hence, we analyze how prevailing methods form features for classification and find that they prioritize actor regions for classification, yet often overlooking the essential contextual information necessary for accurate classification. Accordingly, we propose to reduce the model's bias toward the actor itself and encourage it to pay attention to the context that is relevant to each action class. By assigning a class-dedicated query to each action class, the model can dynamically determine where to focus for effective classification. The proposed method demonstrates superior performance on three challenging benchmarks while using significantly fewer parameters and less computation.

Thu 3 Oct. 6:00 - 6:10 PDT

DEVIAS: Learning Disentangled Video Representations of Action and Scene

Kyungho Bae · Youngrae Kim · Geo Ahn · Jinwoo Choi

Video recognition models often learn scene-biased action representation due to the spurious correlation between actions and scenes in the training data. Such models show poor performance when the test data consists of videos with unseen action-scene combinations. Although Scene-debiased action recognition models might address the issue, they often overlook valuable scene information in the data. To address this challenge, we propose to learn Disentangled VIdeo representations of Action and Scene (DEVIAS), for more holistic video understanding. We propose an encoder-decoder architecture to learn disentangled action and scene representations with a single model. The architecture consists of a disentangling encoder (DE), an action mask decoder (AMD), and a prediction head. The key to achieving the disentanglement is employing both DE and AMD during training time. The DE uses the slot attention mechanism to learn disentangled action and scene representations. For further disentanglement, an AMD learns to predict action masks, given an action slot. With the resulting disentangled representations, we can achieve robust performance across diverse scenarios, including both seen and unseen action-scene combinations. We rigorously validate the proposed method on the UCF-101, Kinetics-400, and HVU datasets for the seen, and the SCUBA, HAT, and HVU datasets for unseen action-scene combination scenarios. Furthermore, DEVIAS provides flexibility to adjust the emphasis on action or scene information depending on dataset characteristics for downstream tasks. DEVIAS shows favorable performance in various downstream tasks: Diving48, Something-Something-V2, UCF-101, and ActivityNet. We plan to release the code upon acceptance to facilitate future research.

Thu 3 Oct. 6:10 - 6:20 PDT

Sync from the Sea: Retrieving Alignable Videos from Large-Scale Datasets

Ishan Rajendrakumar Dave · Fabian Caba · Shah Mubarak · Simon Jenni

Temporal video alignment aims to synchronize the key events like object interactions or action phase transitions in two videos. Such methods could benefit various video editing, processing, and understanding tasks. However, existing approaches operate under the restrictive assumption that a suitable video pair for alignment is given, significantly limiting their broader applicability. To address this, we re-pose temporal alignment as a search problem and introduce the task of Alignable Video Retrieval (AVR). Given a query video, our approach can identify well-alignable videos from a large collection of clips and temporally synchronize them to the query. To achieve this, we make three key contributions: 1) we introduce DRAQ, a video alignability indicator to identify and re-rank the best alignable video from a set of candidates; 2) we propose an effective and generalizable frame-level video feature design to improve the alignment performance of several off-the-shelf feature representations, and 3) we propose a novel benchmark and evaluation protocol for AVR using cycle-consistency metrics. Our experiments on 3 datasets, including large-scale Kinetics700, demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach in identifying alignable video pairs from diverse datasets.