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Oral Session

Oral 1B: Autonomous Driving


Moderators: Oriane Siméoni · Holger Caesar

Tue 1 Oct midnight PDT — 1:30 a.m. PDT
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Tue 1 Oct. 0:00 - 0:10 PDT

Making Large Language Models Better Planners with Reasoning-Decision Alignment

Zhijian Huang · Tao Tang · Shaoxiang Chen · Sihao Lin · Zequn Jie · Lin Ma · Guangrun Wang · Xiaodan Liang

Data-driven approaches for autonomous driving (AD) have been widely adopted in the past decade but are confronted with dataset bias and uninterpretability. Inspired by the knowledge-driven nature of human driving, recent approaches explore the potential of large language models (LLMs) to improve understanding and decision-making in traffic scenarios.They find that the pretraining-finetuning paradigm of LLMs on downstream data with the Chain-of-Thought (CoT) reasoning process can enhance explainability and scene understanding. However, such a popular strategy proves to suffer from the notorious problems of misalignment between the crafted CoTs against the consequent decision-making, which remains untouched by previous LLM-based AD methods. To address this problem, we motivate an end-to-end decision-making model based on multimodality-augmented LLM, which simultaneously executes CoT reasoning and carries out planning results. Furthermore, we propose a reasoning-decision alignment constraint between the paired CoTs and planning results, imposing the correspondence between reasoning and decision-making. Moreover, we redesign the CoTs to enable the model to comprehend complex scenarios and enhance decision-making performance. We dub our proposed large language planners with reasoning-decision alignment as RDA-Driver. Experimental evaluations on the nuScenes and DriveLM-nuScnene benchmarks demonstrate the effectiveness of our RDA-Driver in enhancing the performance of end-to-end autonomous driving systems. Specifically, our RDA-Driver achieves state-of-the-art end-to-end planning performance on the NuScenes dataset with 0.80 L2 error and 0.32 collision rates, and also achieves leading results on challenging DriveLM-nuScnene benchmarks with 0.82 L2 error and 0.38 collision rate.

Tue 1 Oct. 0:10 - 0:20 PDT

MapTracker: Tracking with Strided Memory Fusion for Consistent Vector HD Mapping

Jiacheng Chen · Yuefan Wu · Tan Jiaqi · Hang Ma · Yasutaka Furukawa

This paper presents a vector HD-mapping algorithm that formulates the mapping as a tracking task and uses a history of memory latents to ensure consistent reconstructions over time. Our method, MapTracker, accumulates a sensor stream into memory buffers of two latent representations: 1) Raster latents in the bird's-eye-view (BEV) space and 2) Vector latents over the road elements (i.e., road boundaries, dividers, and pedestrian zones). The approach borrows the query propagation paradigm from the tracking literature that explicitly associates tracked road elements from the previous frame to the current, while fusing a subset of memory latents selected with distance strides to further enhance temporal consistency. A vector latent is decoded to reconstruct the geometry of a road element. The paper further makes benchmark contributions by 1) Improving processing code for existing datasets to produce consistent ground truth with temporal alignments and 2) Augmenting existing mAP metrics with consistency checks. MapTracker significantly outperforms existing methods on both nuScenes and Agroverse2 datasets by over 8\% and 19\% on the conventional and the new consistency-aware metrics, respectively. The code and augmented benchmarks will be available.

Tue 1 Oct. 0:20 - 0:30 PDT

M^2Depth: Self-supervised Two-Frame Multi-camera Metric Depth Estimation

Yingshuang Zou · Yikang Ding · Xi Qiu · Haoqian Wang · Haotian Zhang

This paper presents a novel self-supervised two-frame multi-camera metric depth estimation network, termed M^2Depth, which is designed to predict reliable scale-aware surrounding depth in autonomous driving. Unlike the previous works that use multi-view images from a single time-step or multiple time-step images from a single camera, M^2Depth takes temporally adjacent two-frame images from multiple cameras as inputs and produces high-quality surrounding depth. We first construct cost volumes in spatial and temporal domains individually and propose a spatial-temporal fusion module that integrates the spatial-temporal information to yield a strong volume presentation. We additionally combine the neural prior from SAM features with internal features to reduce the ambiguity between foreground and background and strengthen the depth edges. Extensive experimental results on nuScenes and DDAD benchmarks show M^2Depth achieves state-of-the-art performance. The code will be made publicly available.

Tue 1 Oct. 0:30 - 0:40 PDT

H-V2X: A Large Scale Highway Dataset for BEV Perception

Chang Liu · MingXu zhu · Cong Ma

Vehicle-to-everything (V2X) technology has become an area of interest in research due to the availability of roadside infrastructure perception datasets. However, these datasets primarily focus on urban intersections and lack data on highway scenarios. Additionally, the perception tasks in the datasets are mainly MONO 3D due to limited synchronized data across multiple sensors. To bridge this gap, we propose Highway-V2X (H-V2X), the first large-scale highway Bird's-Eye-View (BEV) perception dataset captured by sensors in the real world. The dataset covers over 100 kilometers of highway, with a diverse range of road and weather conditions. H-V2X consists of over 1.9 million fine-grained categorized samples in BEV space, captured by multiple synchronized cameras, with vector map provided. We performed joint 2D-3D calibrations to ensure correct projection and human labor was involved to ensure data quality. Furthermore, we propose three highly relevant tasks to the highway scenario: BEV detection, BEV tracking, and trajectory prediction. We conducted benchmarks for each task, and innovative methods incorporating vector map information were proposed. We hope that H-V2X and benchmark methods will facilitate highway BEV perception research direction. The dataset and codes will be released upon acceptance.

Tue 1 Oct. 0:40 - 0:50 PDT

Adaptive Bounding Box Uncertainties via Two-Step Conformal Prediction

Alexander Timans · Christoph-Nikolas Straehle · Kaspar Sakmann · Eric Nalisnick

Quantifying a model’s predictive uncertainty is essential for safety-critical applications such as autonomous driving. We consider quantifying such uncertainty for multi-object detection. In particular, we leverage conformal prediction to obtain uncertainty intervals with guaranteed coverage for object bounding boxes. One challenge in doing so is that bounding box predictions are conditioned on the object's class label. Thus, we develop a novel two-step conformal approach that propagates uncertainty in predicted class labels into the uncertainty intervals for the bounding boxes. This broadens the validity of our conformal coverage guarantees to include incorrectly classified objects, ensuring their usefulness when maximal safety assurances are required. Moreover, we investigate novel ensemble and quantile regression formulations to ensure the bounding box intervals are adaptive to object size, leading to a more balanced coverage across sizes. Validating our two-step approach on real-world datasets for 2D bounding box localization, we find that desired coverage levels are satisfied with actionably tight predictive uncertainty intervals.

Tue 1 Oct. 0:50 - 1:00 PDT

DriveLM: Driving with Graph Visual Question Answering

Chonghao Sima · Katrin Renz · Kashyap Chitta · Li Chen · Zhang Hanxue · Chengen Xie · Jens Beißwenger · Ping Luo · Andreas Geiger · Hongyang Li

We study how vision-language models (VLMs) trained on web-scale data can be integrated into end-to-end driving systems to boost generalization and enable interactivity with human users. While recent approaches adapt VLMs to driving via single-round visual question answering (VQA), human drivers reason about decisions in multiple steps. Starting from the localization of key objects, humans estimate object interactions before taking actions. The key insight is that with our proposed task, Graph VQA, where we model graph-structured reasoning through perception, prediction and planning question-answer pairs, we obtain a suitable proxy task to mimic the human reasoning process. We instantiate datasets (DriveLM-Data) built upon nuScenes and CARLA, and propose a VLM-based baseline approach (DriveLM-Agent) for jointly performing Graph VQA and end-to-end driving. The experiments demonstrate that Graph VQA provides a simple, principled framework for reasoning about a driving scene, and DriveLM-Data provides a challenging benchmark for this task. Our DriveLM-Agent baseline performs end-to-end autonomous driving competitively in comparison to state-of-the-art driving-specific architectures. Notably, its benefits are pronounced when it is evaluated zero-shot on unseen sensor configurations. Our question-wise ablation study shows that the performance gain comes from the rich annotation of prediction and planning QA pairs in the graph structure. To facilitate future research, all code, data, models and an official evaluation server are available to the public.

Tue 1 Oct. 1:00 - 1:10 PDT

RealGen: Retrieval Augmented Generation for Controllable Traffic Scenarios

Wenhao Ding · Yulong Cao · DING ZHAO · Chaowei Xiao · Marco Pavone

Simulation plays a crucial role in the development of autonomous vehicles (AVs) due to the potential risks associated with real-world testing. Although significant progress has been made in the visual aspects of simulators, generating complex behavior among agents remains a formidable challenge. It is not only imperative to ensure realism in the scenarios generated but also essential to incorporate preferences and conditions to facilitate controllable generation for AV training and evaluation. Traditional methods, which rely mainly on memorizing the distribution of training datasets, often fail to generate unseen scenarios. Inspired by the success of retrieval augmented generation in large language models, we present RealGen, a novel retrieval-based in-context learning framework for traffic scenario generation. RealGen synthesizes new scenarios by combining behaviors from multiple retrieved examples in a gradient-free way, which may originate from templates or tagged scenarios. This in-context learning framework endows versatile generative capabilities, including the ability to edit scenarios, compose various behaviors, and produce critical scenarios. Evaluations show that RealGen offers considerable flexibility and controllability, marking a new direction in the field of controllable traffic scenario generation. Check our project website for more information:

Tue 1 Oct. 1:10 - 1:20 PDT

Mask2Map: Vectorized HD Map Construction Using Bird's Eye View Segmentation Masks

Sehwan Choi · Jun Won Choi · JUNGHO KIM · Hongjae Shin

Predicting vectorized high-definition (HD) map online is useful for autonomous driving, providing detailed geometric and semantic information on the surrounding road environment. In this paper, we introduce Mask2Map, a novel end-to-end online HD map construction method. Our approach identifies semantic components within a scene represented in the bird's eye view (BEV) domain and then generates a precise vectorized map topology based on this information. Mask2Map comprises two main components: an Instance-level Mask Prediction Network (IMPNet) and a Mask-Driven Map Prediction Network (MMPNet). IMPNet generates a mask-aware query capable of producing BEV segmentation masks, while MMPNet accurately constructs vectorized map components, leveraging the semantic geometric information provided by the mask-aware query. For enhancing HD map predictions, we design innovative modules for MMPNet based on outputs from IMPNet. We present a Positional Feature Generator that generates instance-level positional features by utilizing the comprehensive spatial context from semantic components of instance. We also propose a Geometric Feature Extractor which extracts point-level geometric features using sparse key points pooled from the segmentation masks. Furthermore, we present the denoising training strategy for inter-network consistency to boost the performance of map construction. Our evaluation conducted on nuScenes and Argoverse2 benchmarks demonstrates that our Mask2Map achieves a remarkable performance improvement over previous state-of-the-art methods by 10.1 mAP and 4.1 mAP. The code will be available soon.