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Oral Session

Oral 1C: Low-Level Vision And Imaging

Silver Room

Moderators: Javier Vazquez-Corral · Djamila Aouada

Tue 1 Oct midnight PDT — 1:30 a.m. PDT
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Tue 1 Oct. 0:00 - 0:10 PDT

Award Candidate
Integer-Valued Training and Spike-driven Inference Spiking Neural Network for High-performance and Energy-efficient Object Detection

Xinhao Luo · Man Yao · Yuhong Chou · Bo Xu · Guoqi Li

Brain-inspired Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs) have bio-plausibility and low-power advantages over Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs). Applications of SNNs are currently limited to simple classification tasks because of their poor performance. In this work, we focus on bridging the performance gap between ANNs and SNNs on object detection. Our design revolves around network architecture and spiking neuron. First, the overly complex module design causes spike degradation when the YOLO series is converted to the corresponding spiking version. We design a SpikeYOLO architecture to solve this problem by simplifying the vanilla YOLO and incorporating meta SNN blocks. Second, object detection is more sensitive to quantization errors in the conversion of membrane potentials into binary spikes by spiking neurons. To address this challenge, we design a new spiking neuron that activates Integer values during training while maintaining spike-driven by extending virtual timestep during inference. The proposed method is validated on both static and neuromorphic object detection datasets. On the static COCO dataset, we obtain 66.2% mAP@50 and 48.9% mAP@50:95, which is +15.0% and +18.7% higher than the prior state-of-the-art SNN, respectively. On the neuromorphic Gen1 dataset, we achieve 67.2% mAP@50, which is +8.2% and +2.5% greater than the existing best SNN model and ANN with equivalent architecture, respectively, and the energy efficiency is improved by 5.7 times.

Tue 1 Oct. 0:10 - 0:20 PDT

Award Candidate
Latent Diffusion Prior Enhanced Deep Unfolding for Snapshot Spectral Compressive Imaging

Zongliang Wu · Ruiying Lu · Ying Fu · Xin Yuan

Snapshot compressive spectral imaging reconstruction aims to reconstruct three-dimensional spatial-spectral images from a single-shot two-dimensional compressed measurement. Existing state-of-the-art methods are mostly based on deep unfolding structures but have intrinsic performance bottlenecks: i) the ill-posed problem of dealing with heavily degraded measurement, and ii) the regression loss-based reconstruction models being prone to recover images with few details. In this paper, we introduce a generative model, namely the latent diffusion model (LDM), to generate degradation-free prior to enhance the regression-based deep unfolding method by a two-stage training procedure. Furthermore, we propose a Trident Transformer (TT), which extracts correlations among prior knowledge, spatial, and spectral features, to integrate knowledge priors in deep unfolding denoiser, and guide the reconstruction for compensating high-quality spectral signal details. To our knowledge, this is the first approach to integrate physics-driven deep unfolding with generative LDM in the context of CASSI reconstruction. Numeric and visual comparisons on synthetic and real-world datasets illustrate the superiority of our proposed method in both reconstruction quality and computational efficiency. Code will be released.

Tue 1 Oct. 0:20 - 0:30 PDT

Award Candidate
SEA-RAFT: Simple, Efficient, Accurate RAFT for Optical Flow

Yihan Wang · Lahav Lipson · Jia Deng

We introduce RAFT2, a faster, simpler, and more accurate RAFT for optical flow. Compared with RAFT, RAFT2 is supervised with a mixture of Laplace loss. It directly regresses an initial flow for faster convergence in recurrent refinements and introduces stereo pretraining to improve generalization. RAFT2 achieves state-of-the-art on Spring benchmark with 3.69 end-point-error (EPE) and 0.36 1-pixel outlier rate (1px), representing 22.9% and 17.8% error reduction from best-published results. In addition, RAFT2 obtains the best cross-dataset generalization on KITTI(train) and Spring(train). With its high efficiency, RAFT2 operates at least 2.3x faster than mainstream methods while maintaining competitive performance, advancing the state of recurrent refinement frameworks in optical flow estimation.

Tue 1 Oct. 0:30 - 0:40 PDT

Photon Inhibition for Energy-Efficient Single-Photon Imaging

Lucas Koerner · Shantanu Gupta · Atul N Ingle · Mohit Gupta

Single-photon cameras (SPCs) are emerging as sensors of choice for various challenging imaging applications. One class of SPCs based on the single-photon avalanche diode (SPAD) detects individual photons using an avalanche process; the raw photon data can then be processed to extract scene information under extremely low light, high dynamic range, and rapid motion. Yet, single-photon sensitivity in SPADs comes at a cost --- each photon detection consumes more energy than that of a CMOS camera. This avalanche power significantly limits sensor resolution and could restrict widespread adoption of SPAD-based SPCs. We propose a computational-imaging approach called photon inhibition to address this challenge. Photon inhibition strategically allocates detections in space and time based on downstream inference task goals and resource constraints. We develop lightweight, on-sensor computational inhibition policies that use past photon data to disable SPAD pixels in real-time, to select the most informative future photons. As case studies, we design policies tailored for image reconstruction and edge detection, and demonstrate, both via simulations and real SPC captured data, considerable reduction in photon detections (over 90% of photons) while maintaining task performance metrics. Our work raises the question of ``which photons should be detected?'', and paves the way for future energy-efficient single-photon imaging.

Tue 1 Oct. 0:40 - 0:50 PDT

Best Paper
Minimalist Vision with Freeform Pixels

Jeremy Klotz · Shree Nayar

A minimalist vision system uses the smallest number of pixels needed to solve a vision task. While traditional cameras use a large grid of square pixels, a minimalist camera uses freeform pixels that can take on arbitrary shapes to increase their information content. We show that the hardware of a minimalist camera can be modeled as the first layer of a neural network, where the subsequent layers are used for inference. Training the network for any given task yields the shapes of the camera's freeform pixels, each of which is implemented using a photodetector and an optical mask. We have designed minimalist cameras for monitoring indoor spaces (with 8 pixels), measuring room lighting (with 8 pixels), and estimating traffic flow (with 8 pixels). The performance demonstrated by these systems is on par with a traditional camera with orders of magnitude more pixels. Minimalist vision has two major advantages. First, it naturally tends to preserve the privacy of individuals in the scene since the captured information is inadequate for extracting visual details. Second, since the number of measurements made by a minimalist camera is very small, we show that it can be fully self-powered, i.e., function without an external power supply or a battery.

Tue 1 Oct. 0:50 - 1:00 PDT

Flying with Photons: Rendering Novel Views of Propagating Light

Anagh Malik · Noah Juravsky · Ryan Po · Gordon Wetzstein · Kyros Kutulakos · David Lindell

We present an imaging and neural rendering technique that seeks to synthesize videos of light propagating through a scene from novel, moving camera viewpoints. Our approach relies on a new ultrafast imaging setup to capture a first-of-its kind, multi-viewpoint video dataset with picosecond-level temporal resolution. Combined with this dataset, we introduce an efficient neural volume rendering framework based on the transient field. This field is defined as a mapping from a 3D point and 2D direction to a high-dimensional, discrete-time signal that represents time-varying radiance at ultrafast timescales. Rendering with transient fields naturally accounts for effects due to the finite speed of light, including viewpoint-dependent appearance changes caused by light propagation delays to the camera. We render a range of complex effects, including scattering, specular reflection, refraction, and diffraction. Additionally, we demonstrate removing viewpoint-dependent propagation delays using a time warping procedure, rendering of relativistic effects, and video synthesis of direct and global components of light transport.

Tue 1 Oct. 1:00 - 1:10 PDT

A Simple Low-bit Quantization Framework for Video Snapshot Compressive Imaging

Miao Cao · Lishun Wang · Huan Wang · Xin Yuan

Video Snapshot Compressive Imaging (SCI) aims to use a low-speed 2D camera to capture high-speed scene as snapshot compressed measurements, followed by a reconstruction algorithm to reconstruct the high-speed video frames. State-of-the-art (SOTA) deep learning-based algorithms have achieved impressive performance, yet with heavy computational workload. Network quantization is a promising way to reduce computational cost. However, a direct low-bit quantization will bring large performance drop. To address this challenge, in this paper, we propose a simple low-bit quantization framework (dubbed Q-SCI) for the end-to-end deep learning-based video SCI reconstruction methods which usually consist of a feature extraction, feature enhancement and video reconstruction module. Specifically, we first design a high-quality feature extraction module and a precise video reconstruction module to extract and propagate high-quality features in the low-bit quantized model. In addition, to alleviate the information distortion of the Transformer branch in the quantized feature enhancement module, we introduce a shift operation on the query and key distributions to further bridge the performance gap. Comprehensive experimental results manifest that our Q-SCI framework achieves superior performance, e.g., Q-SCI (4-bit) can theoretically accelerate previous SOTA real-valued EfficientSCI-S by 7.8× with only 2.3% performance gap on the simulation testing datasets. Code of this paper will be released.

Tue 1 Oct. 1:10 - 1:20 PDT

GazeXplain: Learning to Predict Natural Language Explanations of Visual Scanpaths

Xianyu Chen · Ming Jiang · Qi Zhao

While exploring visual scenes, humans' scanpaths are driven by their underlying attention processes. Understanding visual scanpaths is essential for various applications. Traditional scanpath models predict the where and when of gaze shifts without providing explanations, creating a gap in understanding the rationale behind fixations. To bridge this gap, we introduce GazeXplain, a novel study of visual scanpath prediction and explanation. This involves annotating natural-language explanations for fixations across eye-tracking datasets and proposing a general model with an attention-language decoder that jointly predicts scanpaths and generates explanations. It integrates a unique semantic alignment mechanism to enhance the consistency between fixations and explanations, alongside a cross-dataset co-training approach for generalization. These novelties present a comprehensive and adaptable solution for explainable human visual scanpath prediction. Extensive experiments on diverse eye-tracking datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of GazeXplain in both scanpath prediction and explanation, offering valuable insights into human visual attention and cognitive processes.