TWYN: Trust What You learN. 1st Workshop on Trustworthiness in Computer Vision
Marco Cotogni
Suite 5
Mon 30 Sep, midnight PDT
Keywords: RAI
In an era of rapid advancements in Artificial Intelligence, the imperative to fosterx000D
Trustworthy AI has never been more critical. The first “Trust What You learNx000D
(TWYN)” workshop seeks to create a dynamic forum for researchers, practition-x000D
ers, and industry experts to explore and advance the intersection of Trustworthyx000D
AI and DeepFake Analysis within the realm of Computer Vision. The workshopx000D
aims to delve into the multifaceted dimensions of building AI systems that arex000D
not only technically proficient but also ethical, transparent, and accountable.x000D
The dual focus on Trustworthy AI and DeepFake Analysis reflects the work-x000D
shop’s commitment to addressing the challenges posed by the proliferation ofx000D
deep fake technologies while simultaneously promoting responsible AI practices.