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WiMANS: A Benchmark Dataset for WiFi-based Multi-user Activity Sensing

Shuokang Huang · Kaihan Li · Di You · Yichong Chen · Arvin Lin · Siying Liu · Xiaohui Li · Julie A. McCann

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Thu 3 Oct 1:30 a.m. PDT — 3:30 a.m. PDT


WiFi-based human sensing has exhibited remarkable potential to analyze user behaviors in a non-intrusive and device-free manner, benefiting applications as diverse as smart homes and healthcare. However, most previous works focus on single-user sensing, which has limited practicability in scenarios involving multiple users. Although recent studies have begun to investigate WiFi-based multi-user sensing, there remains a lack of benchmark datasets to facilitate reproducible and comparable research. To bridge this gap, we present WiMANS, to our knowledge, the first dataset for multi-user sensing based on WiFi. WiMANS contains over 9.4 hours of dual-band WiFi Channel State Information (CSI), as well as synchronized videos, monitoring the simultaneous activities of multiple users. We exploit WiMANS to benchmark the performance of state-of-the-art WiFi-based human sensing models and video-based models, posing new challenges and opportunities for future work. We believe WiMANS can push the boundaries of current studies and catalyze the research on WiFi-based multi-user sensing.

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