Multimodal Label Relevance Ranking via Reinforcement Learning
Taian Guo · Taolin Zhang · Haoqian Wu · Hanjun Li · Ruizhi Qiao · Xing Sun
# 76
Strong Double Blind |
Conventional multi-label recognition methods often focus on label confidence, frequently overlooking the pivotal role of partial order relations consistent with human preference. To resolve these issues, we introduce a novel method for multimodal label relevance ranking, named Label Relevance Ranking with Proximal Policy Optimization (LR\textsuperscript{2}PPO), which effectively discerns partial order relations among labels. LR\textsuperscript{2}PPO first utilizes partial order pairs in the target domain to train a reward model, which aims to capture human preference intrinsic to the specific scenario. Furthermore, we meticulously design state representation and a policy loss tailored for ranking tasks, enabling LR\textsuperscript{2}PPO to boost the performance of label relevance ranking model and largely reduce the requirement of partial order annotation for transferring to new scenes. To assist in the evaluation of our approach and similar methods, we further propose a novel benchmark dataset, LRMovieNet, featuring multimodal labels and their corresponding partial order data. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our LR\textsuperscript{2}PPO algorithm achieves state-of-the-art performance, proving its effectiveness in addressing the multimodal label relevance ranking problem. Codes and the proposed LRMovieNet dataset are publicly available at \url{}.