Superpixel-informed Implicit Neural Representation for Multi-Dimensional Data
Jiayi Li · Xi-Le Zhao · Jian-Li Wang · Chao Wang · Min Wang
# 84
Strong Double Blind |
Recently, implicit neural representations (INRs) have attracted increasing attention for multi-dimensional data recovery. However, INRs simply map coordinates via a multi-layer perceptron (MLP) to corresponding values, ignoring the inherent semantic information of the data. To leverage semantic priors from the data, we propose a novel Superpixel-informed INR (S-INR). Specifically, we suggest utilizing generalized superpixel instead of pixel as an alternative basic unit of INR for multi-dimensional data (e.g., images and weather data). The coordinates of generalized superpixels are first fed into exclusive attention-based MLPs, and then the intermediate results interact with a shared dictionary matrix. The elaborately designed modules in S-INR allow us to ingenuously exploit the semantic information within and across generalized superpixels. Extensive experiments on various applications validate the effectiveness and efficacy of our S-INR compared to state-of-the-art INR methods.