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ECCV 2024 Workshops

Short Name Contact Day Time Room

3D Vision

Recovering 6D Object Pose W01 Tomas Hodan 09/29   AM Amber 7 + 8
Half-century of Structure-from-Motion (50SfM) W02 Andrea Fusiello 09/29   PM Space 2
Dense Neural SLAM Workshop (NeuSLAM) W03 Martin R. Oswald 09/30   AM Amber 6
Geometry in the Large Model Era W04 Yichen Li 09/30   PM Brown 3
Workshop on Spatial AI W05 Niclas Zeller 09/29   AM Brown 1
Transparent & Reflective objects In the wild Challenges (TRICKY) W06 Jean-Baptiste Weibel 09/29   PM Suite 8
Wild3D: 3D Modeling, Reconstruction, and Generation in the Wild W07 Wei-Chiu Ma 09/30   AM Brown 3
AI3DCC: The Second Workshop of AI for 3D Content Creation W08 Despoina Paschalidou 09/30   PM Brown 1
3D Vision and Modeling Challenges in eCommerce W09 Kai Wang 09/29   AM Brown 2


FashionAI: Exploring the intersection of Fashion and Artificial Intelligence for reshaping the Industry W10 Marina Paolanti 09/30   PM Amber 4
CV For Ecology Workshop (CV4E) W11 Mohamed Elhoseiny 09/30   AM Suite 8
9th Workshop on Computer Vision in Plant Phenotyping and Agriculture (CVPPA) W12 Mario Valerio Giuffrida 09/29   AM Panorama Lounge
3rd edition of Computer Vision for Metaverse (CV4Metaverse) W13 Giuseppe Serra 09/29   AM Amber 1
The First Workshop on: Computer Vision for Videogames (CV2) W14 iuri frosio 09/29   PM Amber 5
2nd Workshop on Vision-based Industrial Inspection (VISION) W15 Hao Yan 09/30   AM Tower Lounge


AI for Visual Arts Workshop and Challenges (AI4VA) W16 Dr Deblina Bhattacharjee 09/29   AM Amber 2
Vision for Art (VISART) VII Workshop W17 Stuart James 09/30   AM Amber 1
AI4DH: Artificial Intelligence for Digital Humanities W18 Roberto Pierdicca 09/29   PM Suite 6

Autonomous Driving and Robotics

The Third ROAD Workshop & Challenge: Event Detection for Situation Awareness in Autonomous Driving W19 Salman Khan 09/29   PM Suite 5
Vision-Centric Autonomous Driving (VCAD) Workshop W20 Yiming Li 09/30   AM Suite 9
ROAM: Robust, Out-of-Distribution And Multi-Modal models for Autonomous Driving W21 Arturo Deza 09/30   PM Amber 6
Autonomous Vehicles meet Multimodal Foundation Models W22 Yan Wang 09/29   PM Brown 2
Multimodal Perception and Comprehension of Corner Cases in Autonomous Driving: Towards Next-Generation Solutions W23 Lanqing Hong 09/30   AM Space 2
Multi-Agent Autonomous Systems Meet Foundation Models: Challenges and Futures W24 Haibao Yu 09/30   PM Amber 1

Detection, Recognition, and Low-Level Vision

Visual object tracking and segmentation challenge VOTS2024 workshop W25 Matej Kristan 09/29   AM Amber 4
5th Advances in Image Manipulation (AIM) Workshop and Challenges W26 Radu Timofte 09/29   PM Amber 1
Instance-Level Recognition W27 Andre Araujo 09/30   AM Amber 5
Large-scale Video Object Segmentation W28 Henghui Ding 09/30   PM Suite 6


Efficient Deep Learning for Foundation Models W29 (Danny) Hongxu Yin 09/29   PM Brown 3
Computational Aspects of Deep Learning W30 Giuseppe Fiameni 09/30   AM Amber 2


ACVR2024 - 12th International Workshop on Assistive Computer Vision and Robotics W31 Marco Leo 09/29   AM Tower Lounge
Foundation Models for 3D Humans W32 Yao Feng 09/30   PM Tower Lounge
Workshop on Artificial Social Intelligence W33 Leena Mathur 09/29   AM Suite 2
T-CAP - Towards a Complete Analysis of People: Fine-grained Understanding for Real-World Applications W34 Guido Borghi 09/29   PM Amber 7 + 8
Observing and Understanding Hands in Action W35 Linlin Yang 09/30   PM Suite 8
7th Workshop and Competition on Affective Behavior Analysis in-the-wild W36 Dimitrios Kollias 09/30   PM Suite 5
The First Workshop on Expressive Encounters: Co-speech gestures across cultures in the wild W37 Viktor Schmuck 09/29   AM Suite 3

Medical and Bio-Inspired Vision

BioImage Computing (BIC) W38 Alexander Krull 09/29   AM Amber 5
Human-inspired Computer Vision W39 Lucia Schiatti 09/29   PM Tower Lounge


Knowledge in Generative Models W40 Anand Bhattad 09/30   PM Brown 2
Self-Supervised Learning - What is next? W41 Michael Dorkenwald 09/29   AM Space 2
Traditional Computer Vision in the Age of Deep Learning (TradiCV) W42 Andrea Fusiello 09/29   PM Amber 2
Uncertainty Quantification for Computer Vision W43 Andrea Pilzer 09/30   AM Brown 2
Emergent Visual Abilities and Limits of Foundation Models (EVAL-FoMo) W44 Ashkan Khakzar 09/30   PM Amber 5
Beyond Euclidean: Hyperbolic and Hyperspherical Learning for Computer Vision W45 Pascal Mettes 09/29   AM Suite 8
Workshop on Unlearning and Model Editing (U&ME'24) W46 Diego Garcia-Olano 09/29   PM Suite 3
The 3rd Workshop for Out-of-Distribution Generalization in Computer Vision Foundation Models W47 Bingchen Zhao 09/30   AM Brown 1
Workshop on Visual Concepts W48 Shangzhe Wu 09/30   PM Suite 4
Sometimes Less is More: The First Dataset Distillation Challenge W49 Ahmad Sajedi 09/30   PM Amber 2
2nd Workshop on Quantum Computer Vision and Machine Learning (QCVML) W50 Jan-Nico Zaech 09/29   PM Suite 2
2nd Workshop on More Exploration, Less Exploitation (MELEX) W51 Vasileios Belagiannis 09/30   AM Suite 2
Synthetic Data for Computer Vision W52 Lucia Cascone 09/30   PM Space 2


AVGenL: Audio-Visual Generation and Learning W54 SHIQI YANG 09/29   PM Suite 9
Multimodal Agents Workshop W56 Zane Durante 09/30   PM Amber 7 + 8
2nd OmniLabel Workshop: Enabling Complex Perception Through Vision and Language Foundational Models W57 Vijay Kumar B G 09/29   PM Amber 6
The Second Perception Test Challenge W58 Viorica Patraucean 09/29   AM Suite 7


The Dark Side of Generative AIs and Beyond W59 Hataya Ryuichiro 09/29   PM Suite 4
FOundation models Creators meet USers (FOCUS) W60 Antonio Alliegro 09/30   PM Suite 2
Fairness and ethics towards transparent AI: facing the chalLEnge through model Debiasing (FAILED) W61 Vito Paolo Pastore 09/29   AM Suite 6
Explainable AI for Computer Vision: Where Are We and Where Are We Going? W62 Robin Hesse 09/29   PM Brown 1
TWYN: Trust What You learN. 1st Workshop on Trustworthiness in Computer Vision W63 Marco Cotogni 09/30   AM Suite 5
Women in Computer Vision W64 Mamatha Thota 09/30   PM Panorama Lounge
2nd International Workshop on Privacy-Preserving Computer Vision W65 Vivek Sharma 09/29   AM Suite 4
Critical Evaluation of Generative Models and their Impact on Society W66 Noa Garcia 09/29   AM Suite 5
xAI4Biometrics at ECCV 2024 - 4th Workshop on Explainable & Interpretable Artificial Intelligence for Biometrics W67 Ana F Sequeira 09/30   AM Suite 3
Workshop on Green Foundation Models W68 YIMING WANG 09/30   PM Suite 9

Scene Understanding

Scalable 3D Scene Generation and 3D Geometric Scene Understanding W69 Miaomiao LIU 09/29   AM Amber 6
OpenSUN3D: 3rd Workshop on Open-Vocabulary 3D Scene Understanding OpenSUN3D Francis Engelmann 09/29   PM Amber 4
Map-free Visual Relocalization W71 Áron Monszpart 09/30   AM Suite 6

Sensing Devices

Workshop on Neuromorphic Vision (NeVi): Advantages and Applications of Event Cameras W72 Federico Becattini 09/29   PM Panorama Lounge
1st Workshop on Neural Fields Beyond Conventional Cameras W73 Tzofi Klinghoffer 09/30   AM Panorama Lounge
GigaVision: When Gigapixel Videography Meets Computer Vision W74 Lu Fang 09/30   PM Suite 3
Eyes of the Future: Integrating Computer Vision in Smart Eyewear W75 Francesca Palermo 09/29   AM Suite 9